Here we are, one month into 2020 – a new decade, a time for transformation and renewal.
However the month January has been for you, I invite you to take a moment and gently close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and place both hands on your heart. What is present for you as you as you bring your awareness within? What is your heart longing for? How even and deep is your breath? Can you soften your shoulders, let go of any tension in your body and mind?
When you feel ready, softly blink your eyes open. I am so grateful for your trust in my guidance on your journey of transformation, healing and growth. Thank you for continuing to be a cherished reader of my articles throughout the years. If you are new, I welcome you to our community. So happy you are here! 

Have you thought about what you wish to call in this year?
It may be a new relationship, a desire to lose weight, achieve greater financial abundance, improve your health, decrease stress, to get more rest or exercise. It may be things like a new car, house or a promotion.

As you set out to ignite your intentions, dreams and desires, I invite you to pause and instead of focusing on what you wish to manifest, ask yourself how you want to feel. How do you want to be? What are you really striving for?
Do you wish to feel more loving, compassionate, caring, inspired, energized, caring or joyful?
Do you want to be more patient, self-confident, empowered, authentic, free, calm, mindful and aware?

From this place you can manifest your results by choosing a new way of being. When you focus on being happy, joyful, inspired, aware and authentic, your dreams have a much better chance on being manifested than when you stay in a place of lack. Once you achieve being the best version of yourself, your initial intentions may even shift. 

I invite you to ponder on how you have shown up for yourself and others in the past year? What changes are necessary? 

Change can only occur from within. However, most of the times it takes another person to guide you, hold you responsible, allow you to see what’s been in the way of your dreams/optimal health/stress-release/better nutrition or sleep. 
There are opportunities for awakening. Let me support you in navigating through the year and manifesting your heart’s desires.
Drop me and email today to book your session.

May 2020 bring you everything you wish for!

Sending you many blessings from my heart to yours,