Moon Circles, Lunar Goddess Yoga and Retreats

Moon Circles, Lunar Goddess Yoga and Retreats

Embark on Your Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation

Join our sacred moon circles to connect with your sisters, support each other, and express yourself without judgment. This is the place to feel heard, seen and appreciated.

Return to the sacred ritual of gathering with your sisters to heal, connect and grow. Rediscover who you truly are, your authentic voice and worthiness, and shine your beautiful light into the world. Together we value and respect each other just the way we are. It is time to reconnect to your divine feminine and unleash the Goddess within. Let’s tap into the power of the collective consciousness and manifest our dreams. Release the old and set new intentions.

It is my honor to guide you as you embark on your inner journey of self-discovery and transformation.

  • Empower and transform mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. 

  • Rediscover your truth, authenticity and inner wisdom.

  • Release limiting beliefs and emotional wounds to evolve into the beautiful, vibrant woman that you truly are.

  • The Sacred Moon Circle offers you a safe, encouraging and supportive space to be seen, heard, and fully accepted. 


Lunar Goddess Yoga follows the ancient tradition of aligning our energies to the phases of the moon. 

The combination of physical movement, mindfulness, breath work, and coaching in alignment with the moon phases and goddess energies ignite deep personal transformation. 

Tap into your higher consciousness and inner wisdom and power. 

Reach out to your inner child and listen to what your heart is telling you to feel the magic and joy of who you really are. Allow your heart to convey your deepest desires, intentions and wishes to you. Now is the time to meet your inner goddess and grant her permission to lovingly guide you to awaken your intuition and inner wisdom.

As you go through your yoga practice you connect to your dreams, desires and intentions and let go of what is no longer needed. Allow yourself to trust and surrender as you awaken your inner Goddess. Radiate your inner joy,  love and radiance.

Sign up for an individual session or sign up for a series of Lunar Goddess Classes. 

“When a woman has owned her passionate nature, allowing love to flood her heart, her thoughts grow wild and fierce and beautiful. Her heart expands. She has glimpsed the enchanted kingdom, the vast and magical realms of the Goddess within her. Here, all things are transformed. And there is a purpose to this: that the world might be mothered back to a great and glorious state. When a woman conceives her true self, a miracle occurs and life around her begins again.”

~ Marianne Williamson, A Woman’s Worth  

By being a woman you are a natural lunar being and a beautiful expression of the divine goddess, and therefore a lunar goddess. Your body is the temple of the light, love, energy and divinity that resides within. As you re-awaken to the gift of the goddess energy, and embrace it, your unique light, gifts and talents start to shine. You can now draw from wisdom from the ancient lineage of goddesses, receive answers, remember the secret, magical, passionate, playful, intuitive ways to be a lunar goddess. You are attuned to the rhythms of nature, the phases of the moon and the bond that connects all beings. Your soul frequency ignites heart opening connections with others that vibrate and resonate with yours.

“As we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

~ Marianne Williamson     

“I attended the Spring Goddess retreat and found the day to be extremely relaxing, the provided food was delicious, and I really appreciated all the effort and hard work Tanja put in to making it a really memorable day.
The Spring Goddess retreat was full of kind warm hearted women who were a welcoming community for the day.
My favorite part of the day was the literal planting of our dreams as flowers which we took home to watch grow.
I would definitely recommend attending any of Tanja’s yoga classes or retreats.”

Jackie Bridegum

“…Tanja filled the day with wonderful rituals and exercises which led me to great insight into my souls yearning. …”

Suzanne Louise

“… Tanja’s retreats are special. They encompass everything for the body, mind and soul. You will leave relaxed with and open mind and heart. I’ve attended both of Tanja’s Goddess retreats and have been amazed by the strong, magnificent women who also attended. …”

Rosanna Bertheola