

As we celebrate the joy and merriness of the season, many of us get so busy that we need a moment to catch our breath.

We usually go through life taking our breath for granted, until we become more aware and discover the power that lies within each inhale and exhale.

If you are one of my cherished yoga students you know that I constantly like to remind you of the importance of your breath.

By raising your awareness on how you breathe you can find a connection to how you feel. If we feel stressed, anxious or tense we naturally hold our breath. Our breath changes with different emotions, thoughts or physical sensations. The more you notice the changes, the more you can bring yourself back into a holistic state of balance.

Yoga utilizes the breath to warm or cool our bodies according to what is needed in our practice, to bring awareness to physical sensations, to allow us to sink deeper into a pose, notice thoughts or needs, guide us into a meditation, calm us and provide us with essential prana (life force energy) through the intake of oxygen which we can use to direct our breathing to where it is needed in our bodies.CactusFlower

The quality of your breath is connected to your wellbeing. So if you need a little break between your holiday shopping just come back to observing your breath. If you have the opportunity you may benefit from going to a yoga class or if you only have a few minutes at home or in your office, you may like to take a few deep breath in Childspose or Cat and Cow.

Inhale relaxation and exhale as you let go of any stress or tension.

So as you go through your day, keep in mind to connect to your breath and discover how it changes the way you feel.

Have a wonderful day and a happy holiday season!