December 2014
Candlelight Yoga continues in the New Year
We continue saluting to the Moon and enjoying the gentle practice of Yin Yoga in January 2015! Please come and join [...]
A Time of Transformation
“At the beginning of every day, reflect on the day ahead and aspire to use it to keep a wide-open heart and mind. At the end of the day before [...]
Happy Holidays
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie Is the time of the year where sparkling lights, [...]
Discover the Power of your Breath
As we celebrate the joy and merriness of the season, many of us get so busy that we need a moment to catch our breath. We usually go through life [...]
6 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress and Tension – Part 2
4. Take time for yourself - for pure enjoyment When we feel stressed it seems the most challenging to take time for ourselves to just pause and reset. We come [...]
November 2014
With Gratitude
Many blessings to you on Thanksgiving and always! With my heartfelt gratitude to you cherished reader, valued client, friend or family, for your loyalty, kindness, care and support! Thanksgiving is [...]