September 2014
3 ways to invite Synchronicity into your life
Have you ever experienced that you arrive at work dressed in the same colors like your coworker? Have you been arranging to meet your friend for coffee and realize that you [...]
Yoga, Aromatherapy & Meditation Workshop to Balance Your Chakras
Would you like to find ways to discover, balance and connect to your chakras? This workshop invites you to explore the magical world of chakras. Learn how to sense and [...]
Aromatherapy for Easing Stress and Headaches & Sleeping Restfully
Have you been wanting to explore the exciting world of Aromatherapy? Here is a short introduction into Aromatherapy and some tips on how to use an essential oil for easing [...]
August 2014
Core Strengthening Series coming up in September
By strengthening your abdominal muscles, you strengthen your whole body from the inside out. Our core muscles help prevent back pain and injuries, allowing us carry out to our daily tasks, [...]
Restorative Yoga Sequence beneficial for Women’s Health and High Blood Pressure
Have you been looking for a relaxing, restorative and healing yoga sequence you can practice at home? I created this specific yoga sequence upon request for a friend and would like [...]
B.K.S. Iyengar
B.K.S. Iyengar - with gratitude for his teachings