August 2014
September is National Yoga Month & the Benefits of Yoga
National Yoga Month is coming up! Since 2008, September has been recognized as National Yoga Month by the US Department of Health and Human Services. This campaign has been created by [...]
What are Chakras and how to balance them
Chakra means 'Wheel' in Sanskrit and relates to energy centers in our bodies which are, referring to the seven main chakras, generally located along the length of the spine. Each [...]
July 2014
Why Counting your Blessings can make you Happy
When we live a life of gratitude we express appreciation for what we have, instead of looking out for what is lacking in our life. Studies have shown that [...]
Are you ready to live a more peaceful, content and happy life?
As you are reading this, I assume you are ready. Congratulations for taking charge of your life and honoring yourself! I would like to share some tools with you on how [...]
Happy 4th of July
Time to celebrate and pursue your happiness! “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain [...]
June 2014
Introduction to Reiki
Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) is the Japanese word for Life Force Energy and is a system of natural healing involving the gentle laying on of hands, and it probably thousands of [...]