June 2014
Vegan Vanilla Coconut Oatmeal
As fresh berries are in season and at the peak of their yumminess I thought about creating a delicious oatmeal that melts the creamy flavors of coconut and vanilla with [...]
Summer Solstice Salutations ~ Welcome Summer
As we change to a new season please come and celebrate the beginning of summer with me. In the week of June 23 - 27th we will focus on a variety [...]
Balance your Body, Mind and Spirit ~ Special Offer
Are you ready to live a balanced, healthy, happy and joyful life? Bring yourself back into your natural state of balance and watch your life unfold in miraculous ways. EMBRACE [...]
Reiki I training coming up
Have you thought about bringing the healing energy of Reiki into you life? Reiki is a powerful tool for optimal health, personal growth and transformation. Reiki is simple, natural and [...]
Namasté is an ancient Sanskrit greeting that is still being used in India and is not just a mere word but has deep spiritual significance. Yoga was developed in [...]
Yes Yoga is for You
As you may suspect I love sharing my joy of yoga with others. And although people are genuinely interested in yoga, they are often held back by beliefs [...]