Did you miss the deadline to sign-up for the Spring Goddess Yoga Retreat? 😮
I understand that you are busy and not quite sure you can take time off work, find a baby sitter, pay the registration fee and travel costs, but I encourage you to accept my gift! 🎁
My gift to you is a heartfelt, personal invitation to invest in your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health by signing up for the Spring Goddess Yoga Retreat!
You deserve this! Time to relax, refresh, ground, refocus, and connect with your new tribe of powerful co-creators.
I know you have been contemplating and we only have a few spots left, so I decided to extend the registration period for our last minute Goddesses until Friday, April 13th!
So please take this last amazing opportunity to join our community, meet your like-minded Goddess Sisters, and find your new tribe that keeps your vibrations high as you set new intentions and take steps towards transforming your life and fulfilling your dreams.
Together we explore ways to balance your mind, body, spirit, and emotions, discover new opportunities and provide you with new tools to follow your heart and manifest your dreams!