Everyday life keeps us busy and it is common to get stuck in a routine. In some way keeping a regular
order of things makes life easier and offers us some comfort. 

However, when we stick to a tight routine we often miss out on opportunities. In addition you may get
so busy taking care of everything and everyone else around you that you forget your own self-care. 

The practice of mindfulness can support you in breaking out of old habits, as it causes you to
become acutely aware of the present moment. When you are fully present,
you are in the flow of life and allow intuition to guide you.

The benefits of being mindful are amazing and numerous; here are just a few:
It helps to 

  • decrease stress, depression, worry and anxiety 
  • support the overall health and wellbeing
  • improve focus and concentration
  • make you feel more calm and fulfilled
  • expand your awareness and intuition 
  • live life fully, by accepting and appreciating what is.

I invite you to try it for yourself. No matter if you are sitting, walking, drinking tea,
eating a meal, taking a shower or washing the dishes, try to become aware of the details.
What do you see, hear, sense, taste, smell, and feel?
Imagine you are encountering this activity for the very first time,
like you would be looking through the curious eyes of a child or a puppy.
Take it all in. Go slowly and take the time to appreciate all the nuances. 

Remind yourself to practice throughout the day and notice the difference. 
Click on the following links to read more about
MINDFULNESS IN ACTION ~ 3 Ways to Bring Mindfulness into Your Life
and An Invitation to Mindfulness.
Read more about The Benefits of Mindfulness on Psychology Today

To learn more about mindfulness and discover the depth of this practice,
make your appointment with me today

I look forward to guiding you on your journey! 

Sending you many blessings from my heart to yours,
