




Have you had the funny, joyful or maybe cute or distracting experience of your pet interrupting your yoga practice?

Here are a couple of ideas on how you can welcome these emerging emotions and utilize them in your practice of yoga.

As our loving pet approaches you while you are trying to hold steady in a balancing pose, are upside down in Shoulderstand or Downward Facing Dog, and starts to jump, sit or lie down right underneath or on top of you, you can take this opportunity to practice the spiritual and mental aspects of yoga.Doga2

Go ahead and stay with your breath as you open yourself up to new experiences (even during your yoga practice) and see if you can bring some playfulness into practice and change it up spontaneously.
As you feel emotions rising up, just notice them by acknowledging in a non-judgmental way what they are: joy, irritation, etc. Then come back to the present moment and bring balance to your body, mind and spirit by focusing your eyes on a still point in front you to enhance your concentration (Sanskrit: dahrana) and connecting back to your breath.
Now feel the love and compassion for your four-legged friend and send the intention of love and appreciation their way. They may get their needs of connection and love met and just lay down next to you and watch and admire you as you continue your practice.

DownDogDoggieAnother approach would be to take this valuable time with your furry friend to connect and bond and do yoga together.
We know that they are doing Cat-and-Cow, Downward Facing Dog and other stretches perfectly already, so you can do those poses side by side or find poses where you can stroke the back, legs, head or belly of your beloved pet while you might be in a yoga pose or a stretch. Who says that you can’t do yoga together?

I hope this video will brighten your day and bring a smile on your face! Enjoy!

Namasté to you and your four legged companion!
