
About Tanja Alexandra Kern

I am passionate about helping you break free from what’s holding you back to living your full potential. By applying a range of ancient healing techniques you will be able to release what’s been holding you back from living a life you love.

Gain Freedom from Stress

Your life is most likely somewhat stressful, especially with the threat of the global pandemic. You may not even be aware of all the little things that may cause you to tense your muscles, hold your breath or raise your heartbeat throughout the day. To see if you are under stress let's look at [...]

Gain Freedom from Stress2020-07-17T22:29:44+00:00

Tools to Transform Your Relationship

In these times of sheltering in place many people have been encountering an array of emotions. Everyone processes the current pandemic in their own way. Our illusionary sense of safety has been rattled and a lot of us pick up on the subconscious emotions of fear, sadness, anger, anxiety and frustration. You may have [...]

Tools to Transform Your Relationship2020-07-20T20:45:29+00:00

Boost Your Health, inner Harmony & Wellbeing in the time of Quarantine

For so many of us being in quarantine brings up personal anxiety, worries and fears. And maybe you are experiencing increased arguments in your relationship, financial burdens, overeating, sleepless nights, headaches, aches & pains, irritability, sadness, or anger? You may struggle to keep cultivating inner peace and as a result you have a hard [...]

Boost Your Health, inner Harmony & Wellbeing in the time of Quarantine2020-07-20T20:49:28+00:00

Tap into Your Body-Mind-Spirit for Powerful Transformation

Have you been struggling to lose weight, feeling ashamed about your relationship with food, wanting to feel less fatigued, get rid of headaches, back pain, or simply wish to improve your energy, vitality and inner harmony? You head out and get a massage/try a new diet/take a nap, but a few days later you feel [...]

Tap into Your Body-Mind-Spirit for Powerful Transformation2020-07-20T21:08:02+00:00

The Pillars of Holistic Healing

Holistic Healing is a tailored approach to regain as well as maintain optimal health and wellness. Along your unique path of achieving overall well-being, there are several pillars that are taken into consideration. In addition to supporting you in treating your issue, we go deeper to the roots of it and try to obtain [...]

The Pillars of Holistic Healing2020-07-20T21:09:50+00:00

Are You Feeling Loved?

Right as you read this, ask yourself, are you feeling loved or lonely? Are you happy or sad? Are you in a fulfilling, nurturing relationship, are you calling in that special someone, or are you content being single? Allow the emotions to arise and feel them.  Remember that the key to feeling loved is [...]

Are You Feeling Loved?2020-07-20T21:16:20+00:00


"Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." ~ Raymond Lindquist  Everything is in constant flux and moves through the natural cycles of life. Energies change and shift in accordance with the seasons, the phases of the moon, and the laws of the universe. "There will be a time when you believe [...]




Together we explore ways to balance your mind, body, spirit, and emotions, discover new opportunities and provide you with new tools to follow your heart and manifest your dreams!

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